Gas Solutions

The HSV line of products and processes are formulated to greatly reduce H2S and CO2 in a gas stream.

The HSV gas blends are engineered to economically reduce high levels of H2S and CO2 in gas streams. In the presence of acid gas, water vapor often reaches acidic levels. Our blends neutralize the acids, effectively converting H2S out of the sulfide phase. In many gathering systems, water significantly contributes to scale formation, particularly when high pH chemicals are introduced to mitigate H2S. Our proprietary injection system ensures smooth operating conditions without the worry of solids precipitation.

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Proprietary chemistry that enables the displacement of elemental sulfur in the water wash

Specialized application method ensures thorough distribution throughout the gas column

Effective in environments with high H2S concentrations and the presence of water

Dose rate is determined by the liquid flow rate, making it ideal for use with automated pump systems

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